My name is Colleen Mac Laughlin and I grew up in the Los Angeles/ Ventura County area. I lived in West Hollywood until I was about fifteen years of ages however, I received my education at schools in Simi Valley where my parents' Dentist office was. My parents decided to retire and move to Simi Valley because they wanted my brother and I live in a smaller community. I spent my four years of high school at Simi High where I participated in leadership, cheer leading, and was the captain of the varsity girls golf team. My senior year in high school I participated in the "Teachers of Tomorrow" program where I assisted an elementary school teacher in a third grade classroom for two hours a day.
I have always felt I was a technological person however, my friends are slowing pointing out where I am lacking such knowledge in the technology area. I have adapted from the American way of fixing electronics things and no longer scream and hit the object until it begins working properly again. I now feel I have the ability to discover the source of the problem and how to fix it. I have spent the majority of my life working on PC computers. I depend on technology a lot in my life. I use my computer for homework assignments, as an information source, as a way to communicate with friends, and as a storage place for the important things in life: music and photos. Technology has also helped me save money on gas by allowing me to get from point A to point B without making a million u-turns. With the technology of my portable navigation system, I am able to locate my intended destination and find the shortest way to get there. However if my navigation system fails me, I use another technological device; my cell phone. According to my parents and my cell phone bill, I depend on my cell phone to maintain all aspects of my life. Finally, I also depend on my television for numerous things. It provides me comfort to fall asleep with by blocking out the annoying white-noise that keeps me up during all hours of the night. Without the television and the use of the sleep timer, I would never be able to achieve a full night sleep.
The mission statement of CSUSM/COE emphasizes the importance of reflective learning and life-long learning. I feel as a young adult, I am constantly learning new things daily. Education begins as a child and continues through your entire life. A person's experiences and the experiences of others are one of the numerous ways to teach and learn new information. I feel this educational philosophy is very important in order to provide the best educational atmosphere for the students and is the reason I chose to attend California State University, San Marcos.
Hi. I like the picture you chose for your blog. I hear you about using the tv for a good night sleep. Try putting it on the music channels too. The classical soundscape keeps me asleep while construction starts outside my house at 7am. :-)
I'm a big fan of the sleep timer as well. The only drawback is that sometimes I try to fall asleep to something interesting and I end up staying up for it and having to reset the sleep timer. Oh well...
It's interesting that we two totally different outlooks on the navigation system; while you see it as an asset, I see it as eliminating the fun of occasionally getting lost. I do them then credit for directing me to the nearest In'n'out, that's impressive.
Awesome picture, Coleen. I completly understand what you mean about being so dependent on technology. I wish I had a navagation system, and I couldnt imagine life without the tv and my cell phone.
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