Apples has been promoting their new iphone as a "revolutionary" device. Although Apple has changed the personal computer and music industry, the author of the article does not feel the iphone is revolutionary enough to change the wireless world. As a phone it has many qualities that will attract consumers including its style and user interface however, many aspects of the iPhone make it far from revolutionary.
- Why do you feel the iPhone is attracting so many consumers?
- Do you feel the iPhone is a "revolutionary" device?
- I feel many people are buying the iPhone because of the brand name and the way it was been promoted as "revolutionary." Many people in today's society want to have the latest version of electronics even if they do not know the difference between it and the other models. I believe people care more about the brand of an item then its practicality.
- After reading this article, I do not feel the iPhone is a revultionary device. I feel the two companies have combined to form a product that is in their best interest. The iPhone is not going to change the lives of the people who have it, it is nothing more than a way for the companies to make more money.